~을 결한 영어로
- on one’s uppers
- poverty-stricken
- 간결한: lapidary; concise; succinct; koanlike; elliptical; summary; brief; to the point; nonverbose; terse; laconic
- 고결한: pure; magnanimous; greathearted; noble; clean
- 단결한: unal; united; solid
- 불결한: grimy; vulgar; impure; turbid; dirty; obscene; polluted; faecal; filthy; fecal
- 순결한: clean; virginal; chaste; maiden
- 연결한: conjunct; copulate
- 완결한: complete
- 정결한: vestal
- 청결한: undirtied; immaculate; uncontaminated; clean
- 을: 을1 [타동사의 목적]. 신문~ 보다 read[look at] the newspaper. 사람~ 찾다 visit[find / look for] a person. 돈~ 빼앗다 rob of his money. 컵에 물~ 채우다 fill a glass with water. 돈~ 원한다 I want money. 나는 바다보다 산~ 좋아한다 I like the
- 간결한 어구: brachylogy; laconism; pauciloquy
- 고결한 체하는: virtuous
- 굉장히 청결한: squeaky
- 극히 간결한: in a nutshell
- 마음이 고결한: noble minded